Page 21
Maintenance and Lubrication
Annual maintenance
and lubrication proce-
dures must be per-
formed by authorized
service personnel.
Failure to do so may
result in serious
bodily injury and/or
property damage.
Maintenance is necessary to
ensure safe and trouble-free lift
operation. General preventive
maintenance consisting of
inspections of your lift system and
cleaning the lift should be a part
of your routine. When cleaning
the lift, pay special attention to
the roll stop opening, platform
surface and bottom of platform. If
mud, ice and/or snow build-up is
apparent on platform surface,
clean the area prior to use. Do
not spray water inside of lift
The lift-equipped vehicle should
be stored in a garage or other
sheltered place if possible,
especially during inclement
weather conditions. When the lift
is not in use, the lift should be in
the stowed position to keep
foreign objects, rain, ice, snow,
etc., from entering through the lift
opening or building up on the
platform surface.
The UVL has been designed with
many self-lubricating compo-
nents. Lubricate the pivot points
specified below approximately
every four weeks (or 100 cycles)
with a light penetrating type oil
(30 weight or equivalent). Severe
conditions (weather, environment,
heavy usage, etc.) may require
more frequent lubrication.
Complete maintenance checks
and lubrication procedures must
be performed annually by an
authorized Braun Corporation
sale representative who has
attended and been certified by
the Braun UVL Sales and
Service School. If the annual
maintenance and lubrication
procedures cannot be performed,
or if there is any sign of lift
damage, wear, abnormal condi-
tion or improper operation,
discontinue lift use immedi-
ately. Contact your dealer or call
The Braun Corporation at 1-800-
THE LIFT. One of our national
service representatives will direct
you to an authorized service
repairman who will inspect your
Outboard Roll Stop
and Lower Closure
Pivot Points (2 places)
Note: LPS2 General
Purpose Penetrating Oil
is available in eleven
ounce aerosol cans from
The Braun Corporation
(part number 15807).
Axle Shaft
Outer Bearings
(2 places)
Outboard Roll
Stop Actuator
Pivot Points
(2 places)
Cylinder Clevis
Rod Pivot Points
(2 places)
Lifting Arm
Pivot Points
(2 places)
Handrails and Bridge
Plates: Lubricate
pivot points with light
oil (if so equipped).
Lifting Arm
Pivot Points
(2 places)