Ÿ To restore the factory generated EFIGS image, download the file
*832296.01A to the printer. This file is located on our web site. The letter at
the end of the file name (e.g., A) specifies the revision.
Ÿ Downloading the same language twice will automatically delete the first
occurrence, but will not free the memory space. Use the Pack Module
feature (see Section 4.1.4) or reload the FIGS file to free the space.
Ÿ Deletion of the selected language will set the printer to English.
Ÿ The total number of languages that the printer can now accept is limited to
10, but this number is dependent upon the size of each language translation.
The translation size will vary with the number of messages that are
translated for that particular language. Current complete language files are
about 7,000 bytes each but with product growth, the total number of
languages is expected to drop to seven.