7. “ENTER HEART RATE TEST ZONE” will scroll across display and suggested heart rate (calculated from entered age)
will fl ash in TIME display.
8. The Up/Down ARROW keys or numeric keypad may be used to select another target heart rate (70-200) if you desire.
Press ENTER.
9. “PRESS START” will scroll across display prompting the user to begin workout.
10. Press START/PAUSE to start workout.
11. At the end of the workout the estimated maximal aerobic capacity will be displayed. The results are compared to
normative values of the same age and gender1 (see below), and given a fi tness rating of “Low”, “Fair”, “Average”, “Good”,
or “High.”
Fitness Rating Norms (VO2max)
20 – 29 30 – 39 40 – 49 50 – 59 60 +
High 51.4 + 50.4 + 48.2 + 45.3 + 42.5 +
Good 51.3 – 46.8 50.3 – 44.6 48.1 – 41.8 45.2 – 38.5 42.4 – 35.3
Average 46.7 – 42.5 44.5 – 41.0 41.7 – 38.1 38.4 – 35.2 35.2 – 31.8
Fair 42.4 – 39.5 40.9 – 37.4 38.0 – 35.1 35.1 – 32.3 31.7 – 28.7
Low 39.4 or less 37.3 or less 35.0 or less 32.2 or less 28.6 or less
High 44.2 + 41.0 + 39.5 + 35.2 + 35.2 +
Good 44.1 – 38.1 40.9 – 36.7 39.4 – 33.8 35.1 – 30.9 35.1 – 29.4
Average 38.0 – 35.2 36.6 – 33.8 33.7 – 30.9 30.8 – 28.2 29.3 – 25.8
Fair 35.1 – 32.3 33.7 – 30.5 30.8 – 28.3 28.1 – 25.5 25.7 – 23.8
Low 32.2 or less 30.4 or less 28.2 or less 25.4 or less 23.7 or less
1 The American College of Sports Medicine, Guidelines for Exercise Testing and Prescription, 6th Edition, Lippincott
WIlliams & WIlkins, Philidelphia, PA, 2000, p. 77.
How to Operate Your Bowflex® Treadmill