Play Modes
Press the Mode button to cycle through the five Play
Normal – press Play
This is the default mode when Play is pressed.
No graphic is displayed.
Repeat – press Mode once
In Normal mode, press the Mode button once to repeat
the selected track. The track will be repeated until Next
Track/Previous Track, Mode, or Stop is pressed.
indicates Repeat mode is selected.
Repeat All – press Mode twice
In Normal mode, press the Mode button twice to repeat
all the tracks on the CD. The CD will repeat until the Play
Mode is changed, or the player is Stopped.
indicates Repeat All mode is selected.
Intro – press Mode three times
In Normal mode, press the Mode button three times to
play approximately ten seconds of each track on the CD.
When all tracks have been played, the player stops.
If no track is playing when Intro is activated, press Play
to begin playback in Intro mode.
indicates Intro mode is selected.
Shuffle – press Mode four times
In Normal mode, press the Mode button four times to
play all the tracks on the CD in random order. When all
tracks have been played, the player stops.
If no track is playing when Shuffle is activated, press
Play to begin playback in Shuffle mode. The player skips
to the next shuffled track and begins playback.
indicates Shuffle mode is selected.