108 en | Glossary VOT-320
DOC | V4.5 | 2010.09 Installation and Operating Manual Bosch Sicherheitssysteme GmbH
LAN See Local Area Network
Local Area Network A communications network serving users within a limited geographical area such as a building
or university campus. It is controlled by a network operating system and uses a transfer
LUN Logical Unit Number; logical drive in iSCSI storage systems
MAC Media Access Control
MIB Management Information Base; a collection of information for remote servicing using the
SNMP protocol
MPEG-2 Improved video/audio compression standard, compression on highest level allows images in
studio quality; now established as broadcast standard
MPEG-4 A further development of MPEG-2 designed for transmitting audiovisual data at very low
transfer rates (for example over the Internet)
MSS Maximum Segment Size; maximum byte figure for the user data in a data packet
Net mask A mask that explains which part of an IP address is the network address and which part is the
host address. It is usually written in dotted decimal notation, for example ""
NFOV Narrow Field Of View, see FOV
NTP Network Time Protocol; a standard for synchronizing computer system clocks via packet-
based communication networks. NTP uses the connectionless network protocol UDP. This
was developed specifically for enabling time to be reliably transmitted over networks with
variable packet runtime (Ping).
OF Optical Fiber; now used predominantly as the transmission medium for line-borne
telecommunication processes (glass fiber cable)
P-frame GOP image type predictive-coded picture; contains difference information from the preceding
I- or P-frame
Parameters Values used for configuration
QCIF Quarter CIF, video format with 176 × 144/120 pixels
QP Quantization Parameter; specifies the degree of compression in the H.264 protocol and thus
the image quality for each stream. The lower the QP value, the higher the encoding quality.
QVGA Quarter Video Graphics Array, video format with 320 × 240 pixels