62 en | Using the IP AutoDome VG4 Modular Camera System
F.01U.133.268 | 6.0 | 2010.03 User’s Manual Bosch Security Systems, Inc.
View Control
The View Control tab allows you to control camera functions (pan, tilt, zoom, focus, and iris),
navigate through on-screen menus and to view preset shots.
1. To control a peripheral, click the appropriate controls.
2. Move the mouse cursor over the video image. Additional options for controlling
peripherals are displayed with the mouse cursor.
3. To manually pan throughout the image area, move your cursor over any part of the live
video. The image area displays a directional arrow (lkjmhigf), then click and hold the right
mouse key to pan the camera.
Digital I/O
The alarm icons Input 1 to Input 4 are for information purposes and indicate the status of an
alarm input: When an alarm is triggered, the corresponding icon lights up blue. The unit's
configuration determines whether the alarm is displayed, as well as additional details (see the
IP AutoDome online help).
Number Description Number Description
1 Tilts the camera up 8
Focus far
2 Tilts the camera down 9
Focus near
3 Pans the camera to the left 10
Iris close
4 Pans the camera to the right 11
Iris open
5 Pans and tilts the camera in all directions 12 Sets the position for corresponding pre-sets 1,
2, 3, 4, 5, and 6
Zoom out
13 Moves the camera to pre-set shot numbers 1,
2, 3, 4, 5, and 6
Zoom in
1. This function is also accessible by using the mouse scroll wheel while in the Live video frame.
2. This button is also used as the “Enter” button to select menu items from the AUX tab.