98 en | Configuring the IP AutoDome VG4 Modular Camera System
F.01U.133.268 | 6.0 | 2010.03 User’s Manual Bosch Security Systems, Inc.
Here you can select the data stream that is to be used for standard recordings. You can select
the data stream for alarm recordings separately and independently of this (see Section Alarm
stream, page 97).
Pre-alarm time
You can select the required pre-alarm time from the list field.
Post-alarm time
You can select the required post-alarm time from the list field.
Alarm stream
Here you can select the data stream that is to be used for alarm recordings. You can select the
data stream for standard recordings separately and independently of this (see
Section Stream, page 96).
with encoding interval from profile
You can select an alternative encoding interval for the data stream for alarm recordings.
Otherwise the encoding interval that corresponds to the default profile allocated to the data
stream is used (see Section 10.17 Advanced Mode: Encoder Streams, page 80).
Alarm input / Motion/Audio alarm / Video loss alarm
Here you can select the alarm sensor that is to trigger a recording.
Virtual alarm
Here you can select the virtual alarm sensors that are to trigger a recording, via RCP+
commands or alarm scripts, for example.
10.41 Advanced Mode: Retention Time
You can specify the retention times for recordings. If the available memory capacity of a
medium has been used, older recordings are only overwritten if the retention time entered
here has expired.
Recording 1 / Recording 2
Enter the required retention time in hours or days for each recording. Recording 1
corresponds to Stream 1, Recording 2 corresponds to Stream 2.
The alarm inputs are configured and activated on the Alarm Inputs page (see
Section 10.34 Input Options, page 86).
The numbering of the checkboxes for the alarm inputs corresponds to the labeling of the
alarm inputs on the IP AutoDome.
The motion alarm is configured and activated on the VCA page (see Section 10.45 Advanced
Mode: VCA, page 101 onwards).
For more information, please see the Alarm Task Script Language document and the RCP+
documentation. These documents can be found on the product CD supplied.
Make sure that the retention time corresponds with the available memory capacity. A rule of
thumb for the memory requirement is as follows: 1 GB per hour retention time with 4CIF for
complete frame rate and high image quality.