date format, 89
daylight saving time, 90
default profile, 99
default recording profile, 111
default VCA profile, 118
deleting recordings, 111
device ID, 88
device name, 84
DHCP server, 85
diagnostics, 106
DirectX, 78
Display stamping, 90, 139
dome cap;roof parapet or pipe mount
dome cap, 48
dual streaming, 96
dual streaming;IP
dual streaming, 17
DynDNS, 132
e-mail, 126
video;IP:encoding, 17
encryption protocol, 131
EPROM, 137
event log, 93, 94, 142
factory defaults, 95, 99
false alarms, 120
fiber optic
single mode, 73
fiber optic Ethernet, 43
firewall, 117, 130
firmware update, 151
firmware upload, 137
formatting, 111
frame rate, 94, 98
FTP server, 135
fuse specifications, 25
gain, 83
gain control, 102
gateway, 86, 129, 130
gateway address, 79
general password, 116
guard tour, 105
holidays, 115
HTTP port, 131
HTTPS port, 131
identification, 84
IEEE 802.1x, 133
I-frame, 93, 99
IGMP, 134
image quality, 135
image resolution, 145
image selection, 140
inactivity, 105
in-ceiling bubble
removing, 67
in-ceiling mount
attaching housing;attaching:in-ceiling mount, 64
securing to ceiling;housing:securing, 66
initiator name, 88
pipe interface board, 54
roof parapet mount, 47
Intelligent Tracking, 93, 147, 148
Intelligent Video Analytics
IVA, 127, 147, 148
interface box;in-ceiling mount
interface box connections, 61
internal clock, 89
IP, 139
address, 79, 85
address;networking:IP address, 79
alarm, 141
audio, 154
system requirements, 78
IP address, 129
IPv4, 129
IPv6, 129
iSCSI settings, 110
JPEG posting, 135
JPEG posting interval, 136
JPEG, 17
keyboard commands, 142, 143, 158
keypad, 143
AutoDome 7000 Series (IP and HD) Index | en 161
Bosch Security Systems Operation Manual 2013.07 | 1.2.2 | F.01U.283.679