Manual 2100-537
Page 18 of 54
For installations requiring the continued use of an
existing gas or oil red furnace, add-on cased “A” coils
are available. Two 3-ton coils designed to t standard
“B” and “C” width furnaces and one 4/5 ton coil
designed for a “C” cabinet are available. Refer to Page
4 of this manual for the model nomenclature and the
specication sheet for performance data.
For top discharge oil furnaces, the coil drain pan MUST
be located a minimum of 6 inches above the top of
the furnace cabinet. Two coil spacer accessories are
available to t Bard oil furnaces:
CSADP2220 22" x 20" x 6"
All models except 140,000 Btu Low-Boy
CASDP2520 25" x 20" x 6"
140,000 Btu Low-Boy only
For all other brands, a coil support system must be eld
fabricated to maintain the 6" spacing.
In applying a duct heater, refer to duct heater installation
instructions for minimum clearance to combustible materials,
maximum allowed inlet air temperatures, and minimum air
Dual fuel is the combination of a fossil fuel furnace, normally
gas or oil, with a heat pump. In milder weather the heat pump
uses the available outdoor warmth and will transport that heat
into your house cheaper than burning gas or oil. When it gets
very cold, around 35 degrees F., the heat pump automatically
shuts down and the furnace heats the home. This combination
gives you the maximum savings on both heating and cooling
while providing you with ideal indoor comfort.
Dual fuel systems are becoming increasingly popular in lieu
of conventional high efciency furnaces with air conditioning
due to the energy savings and ease of installation. Today’s
new hi-tech thermostats eliminate the need for complicated
wiring and duel fuel control boards. Bard recommends
using the Honeywell THX9321R5030 Prestige® Thermostat
(Does not include outdoor sensor). Honeywell also offers
the Prestige® Kit 2.0 which includes the THX9321R5030
Prestige® Thermostat, REM5000R1001 Portable Comfort
Control and C7089R1013 Wireless Outdoor Sensor.
The unit may be installed in a basement, closet, or utility room
provided adequate service access is ensured.
These units are not approved for outdoor installation
and therefore must be installed inside the structure being
conditioned. Do not locate in areas subject to freezing in the
winter or subject to sweating in the summer.
Before setting the unit, consider ease of piping, drain and
electrical connections for the unit. Also, for units which will
be used with a desuperheater unit, consider the proximity of
the unit to the water heater or storage tank. Place the unit on a
solid base, preferably concrete, to minimize undesirable noise
and vibration. DO NOT elevate the base pan on rubber or
cork vibration eliminator pads as this will permit the unit base
to act like a drum, transmitting objectionable noise.
If the unit is to be installed in a closet or utility room which
does not have a oor drain, a secondary drain pan under the
entire unit is highly recommended.
DO NOT install the unit in such a way that a direct path exists
between any return grille and the unit. Rather, insure that the
air entering the return grille will make at least one turn before
entering the unit or coil. This will reduce possible objectionable
compressor and air noise from entering the occupied space.
Design the ductwork according to methods given by the
Air Conditioning Contractors of America. When duct runs
through unconditioned spaces, it should be insulated with
vapor barrier. It is recommended that exible connections be
used to connect the ductwork to the unit in order to keep the
noise transmission to a minimum.
The GT Series Geothermal Heat Pumps feature three sections
(GTA - Air Coil Section, GTB - Blower Section and GTC -
Compressor Section) which cover upow (bottom, right/left-
side return), counterow and horizontal (left and right-hand
discharge) applications.
The individual sections are shipped internally wired, requiring
duct connections, thermostat wiring, 230/208 volt AC power
wiring, refrigerant line connections and water piping. The
equipment covered in this manual is to be installed by trained,
experienced service and installation technicians.
These instructions and any instructions packaged with any
separate equipment required to make up the entire heat
pump system should be carefully read before beginning the
installation. Note particularly any tags and/or labels attached
to the equipment.
While these instructions are intended as a general
recommended guide, they do not in any way supersede any
national and/or local codes. Authorities having jurisdiction
should be consulted before the installation is made.
Upon receipt of the equipment, the carton should be checked
for external signs of shipping damage. If damage is found,
the receiving party must contact the last carrier immediately,
preferably in writing, requesting inspection by the carrier’s agent.
Capacity of the unit for a proposed installation should be
based on heat loss calculations made in accordance with
methods of the Air Conditioning Contractors of America.
The air duct system should be sized and installed in
accordance with Standards of the National Fire Protection
Association for the Installation of Air Conditioning and
Venting systems of Other than Residence Type NFPA
No. 90A, and residence Type Warm Air Heating and Air
Conditioning Systems, NFPA No. 90B.