
Acetone, alcohol, and other solvents degrade O-ring materials reducing
their ability to hold a vacuum. Do not use acetone or other solvents on
O-rings. If necessary to clean O-rings, wipe with lint-free, clean cloth,
wash in detergent and water, or use a small amount of pump oil.
If hazardous gas, vapors, chemicals, or combustible mixtures are
pumped, sufficient quantities may exist during operation. This pump
may contain decomposed and/or overheated pump oils or poisonous
and/or corrosive process materials which are highly toxic and also can
be an asphyxiant. Proper operation will not always ensure that all haz-
ardous materials have been removed.
Hot oils can cause serious burns. Wear protective gloves and
long sleeved, loose fitting, heat resistant garments when draining
pump oil.
When lifting some Varian diffusion pumps, use power-assisted equipment
and trained moving/installation personnel to avoid dropping, slipping,
and/or overturning the pump and severely injuring personnel. Check
weight of equipment before lifting and do not stand under equipment
being moved.
Always dispose of used or dirty oil properly and in compliance with all
local, state, and federal environmental laws and regulations.