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DesignerPlus V6 - Carving Stamps
Open a New File
• Select File/New or click on the New File icon.
• Right click on Show Hoop.
• Make sure Display Hoops is checked and select artista 400 x
150 Mega—Auto Split Machines.
Draw the rectangles
• Select C42 from the Color Bar.
• Select the Rectangle tool and draw a rectangle by clicking in the
upper left hand corner and dragging to the lower right hand cor-
• Press Escape.
• Select the rectangle and open Object Properties. Click on the
General tab. Make sure Proportional Scaling is turned off.
• Change the width of the rectangle to 70 mm and the height to
85 mm. Click OK.
• Quick Clone (right click and drag on the object) to make a copy
of the rectangle. Move the copy in a below the first rectangle.
• Clone the second rectangle; position below the second object.
• Select File/Save As.
• Navigate to the folder in which the file will be stores. Name the
file Carving Stamps. Click Save.
Using an Object for a Stamp
• Select File/Insert Design.
• Navigate to My Computer/C: My Designs Embroidery Software
6. Select the Animal folder. Open the folder.
• Select FB 253-48. Open the file.
• Decrease the size of the dragonfly by clicking and dragging on
one of the corner black sizing handles. Move it away from the
Note: Decrease th object so that it will fit within the rectangle, or
use the stamp so that only part of the object stamps the back-
• Open the Carving Stamp dialog box.
• Click on the Use Object Tab.
• Click on the Start Selecting button and use one of the selection
tools to select the dragonfly. The dragonfly will appear in the
Use Object window. Press Esc.
• Select one of the rectangles. Click on Use Stamp—the outline
of the stamp is visible.
Carving stamp defines a pat-
tern of needle penetrations in
a fill. There are three different
ways to stamp— use a de-
sign, use a built-in stamp, or
create a custom stamp.
Any of the selection tools be
used to select the object that
will be used as a stamp.
Select part of the object by
drawing the bounding box
around part of the design or
by using Polygon Select
(remember to first ungroup).
Add stamps to selected back-
ground objects or choose to
not pre-select an object and
add the stamp to other ob-
Follow the prompts on the
lower left corner of the screen
for information on setting the