The Encryption Tab
The encryption tab is used to set up the wireless encryption settings.
There are two ways to set up the encryption settings of your Adapter. Create with Passphrase or Manual Entry.
Select 64-bit from the drop-down menu. You will notice when using 64-bit encryption there are four keys labeled “Key
1” through “Key 4”. Only one key can be used at a time. For ease of use, the software can generate keys using a
“Passphrase” that you enter. This passphrase can be easily distributed to other wireless equipped computer users in
your network. For instance, creating a key using the passphrase “Passphrase” generates four keys in 64-bit encryption
mode and one key in 128-bit encryption mode. In this scenario, a user of a laptop needs only to enter the passphrase
and the key number into their computer’s wireless management software to be able to communicate while using
encryption. All computers on the network must use the same encryption rate, passphrase and key. The passphrase can
be changed as often as desired.
Setting 64-Bit or 128-bit Encryption using a Passphrase (Easiest)
1. Select 64-bit or 128-bit from the drop-down menu (a).