Form 6104 BCF23-R05
This burner is designed for clean, dry installations.
Electrical controls are not protected against rain or
sprayed water.
Keep the installation clear of dust, dirt, corrosive
vapors, and moisture.
Protective covers and more frequent maintenance
may be required.
Wet, dusty environments could lead to blocked
air passages, corrosion damage to components,
impaired combustion performance and result in
asphyxiation, explosion or fi re.
Protect Against Dust and
Stray light Dust and Moisture
Mount the burner
Figure 4 – Mount fl ange(s) on air tube
Mount fl ange(s) on air tube
This section does not apply to burners with welded
fl anges.
Do not install air tube on burner.
For non-pressure fi ring fl ange, refer to Figure 4:
Install gasket (item a) and fl ange (item c). Ignore the
next paragraph.
For pressure-fi ring fl ange, refer to Figure 4: Slide
gasket (item a) onto the air tube, making sure the top
of the air tube is up. Predrill holes in the pressure fi ring
plate (item b) to match the appliance studs. Slide the
pressure fi ring plate (item b) and fl ange (item d) onto
the air tube as shown. Wrap ceramic fi ber rope (not
shown) around the air tube and press tightly into the
inside diameter of the fl ange (item c).
Slide the air tube (item d) into position in the
appliance front. Tighten the fl ange-mounting-stud
nuts. Set the insertion of the air tube so dimension G
is 1/4” nominal.
Pitch the air tube at 2° from horizontal as shown and
secure the fl ange to the air tube.
Protect Against Stray
Light Lockout
Failure to follow these instructions could cause
loss of burner operation resulting in no heat, an
unplanned process interruption, work stoppage
and the potential for frozen plumbing or other
cold weather property damage.
The control must detect a dark, no-fl ame condition
in order to start the burner or it will hold in the
stray light lockout mode.
Shield the burner view window from direct expo-
sure to intense light.
Protect the Air Tube
From Overheating
Overheating could cause damage to the air tube
and other combustion components leading to
equipment malfunction and impaired combustion
The end of the air tube must not extend into the
combustion chamber unprotected unless it has
been factory-tested and specifi ed by the appliance
Position the end of the air tube 1/4” back from fl ush
with the refractory inside entry wall to prevent
damage from overheating.