42 Barnes & Noble NOOK User Guide
Tapping the Share button opens a dialog box like that shown below. (The contents of this dialog box may vary, de-
pending on whether you are reading a book you own or a sample and whether the book is eligible for lending.)
The Share dialog box.
• Recommend - recommend the book to your friends by
• sending email to one or more contacts
• posting a recommendation on your Facebook wall or the wall of a friend on Facebook
• posting a recommendation through your Twitter account
• Post Reading Status - post a message on Facebook or Twitter telling how far you have read in the book
• Rate and Review - rate the book and post a short review on BN.com
• Like on Facebook - use the Like feature on Facebook to tell people you like this book
• LendMe® - launch the LendMe program to lend this book to a friend (see “Using the LendMe Program” for
• View Friends’ Activities - view the recommendations, shared quotes, and other activities of your NOOK
To use these features, you must first link your NOOK to your Facebook and Twitter accounts, and you must add
some email accounts to your NOOK Contacts application. For more information, see “Configuring Social Features”.