2. The clothing you dress your child in will
affect the proper use of the Safety Seat.
Please dress your child in clothing that will:
• Allow the Harness Straps to securely latch
between your child’s legs.
• Keep the shoulder straps properly located
on your child’s shoulders.
3. Place the Safety Seat on a rm and level
surface. Move the carry handle to the non
rocking position. Loosen the Harness Straps
by pulling on the straps while pushing on the
Harness Adjuster Button located below the
pad just in front of the buckle. Unfasten the
Harness Chest Clip. Unbuckle the Harness
Straps and drape the Harness Straps over
the Seat back or to the sides of the Safety
Seat. (Fig. 35-1)
4. Place your child in the Safety Seat so that
the child’s bottom is against the back and
bottom of the seat. (Fig. 35-2)
5. Pull the harness straps down over your
child. Check that the harness straps are not
Fig. 35-1
Fig. 35-2