
Creation of New Services
SIP is a structured, text-based protocol that is modeled after
HTTP, or HyperText Transport Protocol, the language that
powers the World Wide Web. SIP opens the door to a much
larger developer community than traditional CTI, and so
offers your company the potential to create competitive
advantages with intelligent communications.
Because SIP is based on HTTP, application developers and
system engineers will have an easier time developing and
integrating applications into their communications environ-
ments. Part 2 explains this more thoroughly.
Native Mobility
As more devices become SIP-capable, users will be able to
pick up and go at will, but still communicate as if they were
in their office. Their presence and readiness to communicate
will still be visible to their buddies.
For example, SIP’s awareness of a user’s communication capa-
bilities will aid international travelers who have to use different
cell phones and other messaging devices and protocols in dif-
ferent countries. A caller trying to locate such a traveler need
not know the traveler’s availability or location: SIP by nature
will know how a person can be reached, and facilitate the
connection. Take a trip to Part 3 to find out more.
Ease of Implementation and
Because SIP is modeled after HTTP as a text-based language,
it is easy to learn, troubleshoot, and support. From analyzing
network packets to application code, SIP’s structured language
stands out so that IT people can understand and interpret it.
But, if you need security, you can simply encrypt this easy-to-
read information.
Streamline your system setup times and troubleshooting
processes in no time. Turn to Part 5 if you want to learn more.
SIP Communications For Dummies, Avaya Custom Edition
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SIP guide