Upgrading an Existing G700 with an S8300 — R1.x to R2.0
Upgrade the S8300
240 Installation and Upgrades for G700 and S8300
December 2003
5 Log on to a Telnet session.
6 Type /opt/ws/drestart 1 4 to capture the configuration data. You should see the response,
Skip to If IA770 Is Being Used, Ensure that Messaging Is Disabled
on page 243.
Verify Connectivity
To verify that the Ethernet port is working, ping the FTP server where the Linux-Migration backup file is
1 On the Maintenance Web Interface, under Diagnostics click Ping.
2 Enter the IP address where the Linux-Migration backup file is stored. Click Execute Ping.
3 If the ping is successful, continue with restoring the system files. Otherwise, check the IP address
and connectivity to the server.
Restore the Linux Migration Backup File
Restore must be run only once. Running restore more than once may corrupt the system
data. If a restore appears to have not completed, check Backup History and Backup Logs
on the Web Interface, and check the system log in the bash CLI. If all of these sources
indicate that a restore has not completed, you can safely rerun the restore.
1 On the Maintenance Web Interface, under Server Upgrades click Linux Migration
2 Select "Initiate new backup or restore" and click Submit