Upgrading an Existing G700 with an S8300 — R1.x to R2.0
Upgrade the S8300
Installation and Upgrades for G700 and S8300 249
December 2003
Verify Operation
Using the Maintenance Web Interface:
1 Under Server click Process Status.
2 Select "Summary and Display once" and click View to access the View Process Status Results
3 Make sure everything except ENV, arbiter, and dupmgr shows UP. Communication Manger should
65/65 UP or, if IA770 is installed, 67/67 UP.
The number of processes (67/67) may vary depending on the configuration. For a normal state,
the second number should not be greater than the first number. For example, the numbers 66/67
UP would indicate that a process did not come up and should be investigated before proceeding.
4 Using a telephone, make test calls to verify that call processing is working.
Next Steps
This completes the S8300 upgrade process for upgrading from a 1.x software release to release 2.0. You
now must upgrade the G700 and media module firmware and then install and restart IA770, if installed
on the S8300.