Issue 1 — December 2002
4-1DEFNETM.PDF — Avaya CT 1.2
This chapter describes problems that can occur with the DEFINITY G3 PBX
Driver (G3PD), the switches, and the switch links, and suggests possible solutions
to these problems.
The section titled ‘‘Tserver Error Log’’ briefly describes errors related to the G3PD
and gives general recommendations for corrective actions. Other problems
related to the Tserver, the services it provides, and the applications running on it
are discussed in the "Troubleshooting," Chapter 11 of Avaya Computer
Telephony, Telephony Services Administration and Maintenance Guide.
Use caution before executing any tasks that may disrupt existing service. It
is safe to view the current status of the G3PD and associated switch link(s),
the error log, and the trace files, and to run nondisruptive tests while the
G3PD is providing Telephony Services. All other activities, such as taking
the link off-line, restarting the link, and uninstalling the G3PD, should be run
out-of-hours after providing a suitable warning to all affected users.