
ExpertNet Lite Assessment Tool - User Guide
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EnableICMPRedirect and then set the value of this parameter to 0.
Q: The Traffic Simulator is on a machine with dynamic IPs and its IP keeps
A: The ELAT Controller identifies the Traffic Simulator by IP address and not MAC. If
the IP address does change, then the old entry for the Traffic Simulator needs to be
removed and the Traffic Simulator would need to re-register.
Q: Imported paths fail to run properly during a measurement run.
A: Whenever paths are imported, it is important to do a verification test to ensure that
the RTP Traffic Simulators that are indicated are actually registered with this ELAT
Controller and hence can be contacted for doing the test. If the Traffic Simulators do
not respond to the ELAT Controller, they will have to be restarted.
Q: RTP tests fail when used on a machine with an active VPN connection.
A: ELAT cannot run RTP tests if the controller or traffic simulator in question is on a
device with a VPN driver as this causes conflicts with the driver used by ELAT.