Chapter 7 The TSP Configuration Tool
CPSEE_TSP500 User Guide Version 4.0 Page 7-5
This document is confidential and proprietary to SER Solutions and is not for external use.
DSPs assigned for a card in this file must match the DSPs assigned for con-
ferencing in the card’s “cg<slot>.cfg” file.
The “oam” branch contains configuration information, as well as log files.
The “cfg” directory contains a file called “oamsys.cfg” which contains a list
of the cards installed in the chassis and the name of each card’s configuration
file located in the “cg/cfg” directory. The “log” directory contains some files
used by NMS to log messages. The file “cta.log” is populated when the cards
are downloaded and occasionally when some errors occur.
TSP Configuration Directory Structure
The trunks.cnf file contains detailed information for each trunk span. It lists
the following:
• Trunk span type (Trunk or Digital Station Trunk)
• Τrunk protocol and if appropriate the variant running
• Card number associated with the trunk span
• Wait time for digits on an inbound trunk span.
The tsp.cnf file, known as the Dialing Rules file, contains configuration items
used by the application to run the system. The keywords modified during ini-
tialization are COUNTRY, ALAW, and NAI_ZERO. The keywords modified
during initialization and editing are NUM_TRUNKS and NUM_STATIONS.
This file is not new to the TSP500.
The “cfig_data.cnf” file contains the information necessary for the Configura-
tion Tool to recreate the current configuration of the system. This file is
required to modify the configuration of a system.
Figure 7-2. NMS Configuration Directory Structure.
he above configuration files
should not be manually modi-
fied since changes will be lost
when the files are re-gener-