Introduction to the 9630/9630G IP Telephone
Your telephone provides many features, including a Phone screen for viewing and
managing your calls, a Call Log, a Contacts list, an integrated WML browser, a menu of
options and settings, and access to your voicemail.
The "G" designation in 9630G means this telephone model has a built-in Gigabit Ethernet
adapter which speeds data transmission. A telephone with the "G" designation is otherwise
identical to its 9630counterpart in terms of features and functionality.
Not all functions and features described in this user guide may be available on your
telephone. If you find that a function or feature is not available, please contact your system
Table 1. 9630/9630G IP Telephone Button/Feature Descriptions
Name Description
USB Port If your phone gets its power from a local AC power adapter (and not
directly from the voice/data network connection), you can recharge
a battery-powered device using your phone's USB port. Connect the
device to your phone with a USB cable to recharge it.
Introduction to the 9630/9630G IP Telephone
Issue 3 May 2007 7