Configuring Embedded VoiceMail
Embedded VoiceMail Installation Page 17
IP Office 4.0 50-601067 Issue 5 (20th December 2006)
To change voicemail configuration for an individual:
1. Open IP Office Manager and receive the IP Office configuration.
2. In the Navigation pane click User and select the individual user.
3. View the Voicemail tab.
4. (Optional) Enter a voicemail code between 4-15 digits in the Voicemail Code field. This is required when
users retrieve voicemail messages remotely, for example from another user's extension or from an external
The Voicemail Code must be retyped in the Confirm Voicemail Code field to ensure it has been
correctly entered.
5. (Optional) Voicemail can be turned off by un-checking the Voicemail On option. When on, the mailbox is
used to answer the user's unanswered or busy calls.
6. (Optional) When a new message is received, the voicemail server can call the user's extension whenever
the extension returns from off-hook to on-hook. The voicemail server will not ring the extension more than
once every 30 seconds. Check the Voicemail Ringback option to enable this feature.
7. (Optional) When a caller reaches voicemail they can be given the option to be transferred to a different
extension. The greeting message needs to be recorded telling the caller the options available. The
extension numbers that they can be transferred to are entered in the fields:
Reception/Breakout (DTMF 0)
The number to which callers are to be transferred if they are directed to voicemail and press *0.
Usually this is the reception number.
Breakout (DTMF 2)
The number to which callers are to be transferred if they are directed to voicemail and press *2.
This number might be, for example, the number of a colleague of the mailbox owner whose
extension was originally dialed.
Breakout (DTMF 3)
The number to which callers are to be transferred if they are directed to voicemail and press *3.
This number might be, for example, the mobile or cell number of the mailbox owner whose
extension was originally dialed.
8. Click OK to save the voicemail changes for the user.
9. Amend any other user details, then save and merge the configuration changes.
External breakout numbers can be used if the user has the option 'Inhibit Off-Switch Forward/Transfer' checked in
their Telephony tab.