Extracting the customer’s administration and options
26 Avaya CMS R12 Sun Enterprise 3500 Computer CMS Upgrade Express
33. The extract process checks to see if ISQL software version 7.32.UC1 is currently
installed on the system. One of the following occurs:
● If ISQL version 7.32.UC1 is currently on the system, it is automatically installed as
part of the upgrade. Continue with Step 34.
● If an older, incompatible version of ISQL is installed, the following messages are
displayed and you continue with Step 35:
● If ISQL is not currently installed, the following messages are displayed and you
continue with Step 35:
34. The following messages are displayed and you continue with Step 36:
CUE found that ISQL is installed on the current system.
If ISQL will continue to be used after the upgrade, CMS
requires that the customer purchase the new ISQL license.
ISQL will not be installed if the customer has not
purchased or does not agree to the purchase of the
new ISQL license.
Enter 'y' if the customer has purchased or agrees to purchase
the new ISQL license.
Enter 'n' if the customer has not purchased or does not agree
to purchase the new ISQL license.
Enter (y/n):
CUE did not find ISQL installed on the current system.
ISQL will not be installed if the customer has not
purchased or does not agree to the purchase of the
new ISQL license.
Enter 'y' if the customer has purchased or agrees to purchase
the new ISQL license.
Enter 'n' if the customer has not purchased or does not agree
to purchase the new ISQL license.
Enter (y/n):
Your current version of ISQL is 7.32.UC1.
ISQL will be installed.