Making a call
— Press the Redial context-sensitive
soft key to dial the last dialed
Note: The Redial context-sensitive soft
key only appears if a number or address
was previously entered.
— Press the Msgs context-sensitive
soft key and then select Voice Mail
from the Messages menu to access
your voice mail.
— Press the Speed dial feature key
that you programed to call with a
commonly used or important phone
number or SIP address.
Note: You can program a feature key to
use as a shortcut to dial a number or a
SIP address. For more information, see
“To program a Speed Dial feature key:”
on page 250.
3. Press the Send context-sensitive soft
key to immediately initiate the call.
Note: The IP Deskphone automatically
initiates a call shortly after you enter the
SIP address or phone number.