L-AVG The average or equivalent level for the HTL, LTL, or
LEQ 3 dB for the event.
DOSE The percent Dose for the HTL, LTL, or 3 dB for the
TWA The Time Weighted Average for HTL or LTL or the
SEL Sound Exposure Level for the event.
PEAK The Peak Level for the event.
MAX The Maximum Level for the event.
RUN The Run Time of the event.
Setting the Clock
If the clock is not set, it functions as an elapsed time clock from the time the unit is reset.
The clock can be either a 12- or 24-hour clock depending on an internal switch.
When the clock is set to the current time, it will record the actual time for Events and Histograms.
CODE Press until the display includes a colon. The display
HL3 is in hours and minutes. To set clock, press 0 and num-
bers for the current time. The time will move in from the right. The clock is not set until
PAUSE/RESET is pressed.
PAUSE Resets the current time to the number in the display.
RESET The display then shows CLo.
Recording the Calibration Level
The procedure does not calibrate the unit. It stores the CAL level to assure the unit was calibrated.
CODE Press the key until CAL and the current calibration
HL3 level is displayed. To recalibrate the unit, press SOUND
LEVEL with the microphone inserted in a calibrator.
SOUND The display will show SPL (the calibrator level). Wait
LEVEL until the level is steady and press PAUSE/RESET.
If the unit is slightly out of calibration, gently adjust
the CAL screw. If the unit is more than a few decibels out of calibration, it should be
PAUSE Resets the calibration level. Hold key down until the
RESET display shows CAL.
Using a Printer
The printout (Figure 2) can include a heading, a summary of the data, event data, 1 to 3
histograms, 1 or 2 percent time statistical distributions, and 1 or 2 percent dose statistical distributions. The
histograms can be of 1, 3, 5, or 10-minute duration. The histograms and statistical distributions can be text,
graphical or both. The printout can be changed and edited before or during printing to print only desired
data. Data is not lost during a printout.
CODE To print only HTL, LTL, or 3 dB histograms and statis-
HL3 tical distributions, hold key down until the one desired
is displayed. To print all 3, hold key down until all 3
are displayed.
PRINT Prints heading, summary, events, and desired histo-
grams and distributions.
HIST 1 Prints 1-minute Histograms or 5 minutes per line. If
HTL, LTL, and 3 dB are displayed all 3 will be printed.
HIST 3 Prints 3-minute Histograms or 15 minutes per line.
HIST 5 Prints 5-minute Histograms or 30 minutes per line.
HIST 10 Prints 10-minute Histograms or 1 hour per line.
If HIST 1,3,5, or 10 is pressed during a printout, the next line will print with the new time base for
a clearer report.
STAT Prints a % Time and a % Dose statistical distribution.
PAUSE Pauses the printer to edit printout or adjust printer.
RESET The display shows PSE. To continue printing, press
PAUSE again. Other print keys will alter the printout.
To conserve power do not leave PSE on the display.
ON/OFF will also exit print mode.
ON Stops the printout. If the printer buffer contains data
OFF the printer may run for several seconds after O-5 is
displayed; however, the printout has stopped.