Owner’s Enjoyment Manual
Up to this point everything you have read has
served to educate you on the operations of your
DQT. We are sure that you are now chomping at
the bit to install your DQT so we recommend you
read the following sections very carefully.
A. Placement and mounting of the DQT
Placement: The DQT needs to be installed in
the signal path after your source unit but defi-
nitely before your amplifiers and/or any other
signal processors or active crossovers. The chassis
is usually mounted in the rear of the vehicle, as
close to the amplifiers as possible.
Mounting: Once you have selected a perma-
nent mounting location, position the unit and
mark the appropriate mounting holes with a felt-
tip pin or scratch awl. Before doing anything else,
make sure you are not about to drill a hole in a gas
tank or piercing any existing wiring. Nothing
ruins your day more than an expensive repair bill.
Drill a few small pilot holes and secure the chassis
of the DQT with self-tapping screws.
B. DQT Power Wiring
WARNING: Failure to disconnect the
negative terminal of your battery prior to the
installation of your DQT can result in a
warm tingly feeling.
Remote Turn-On: Connect a 22 to 18 gauge
wire from the head-unit’s remote turn-on to the
“Remote” connector on the DQT .
Positive(+12V) Connection: Insert a 12-18
gauge wire into the connector labeled “Power” on
the nifty connector of your DQT. Connect it to a
good constant source of 12 volts (we suggest the
battery), fused at 1 amp.
Ground Connection: Use the same gauge
wire as you did for the positive connector and run
it from the “Ground” connector on the DQT to
the negative terminal of the battery, a ground bus,
or a verified ground location. The factory head
unit ground is not a good ground!
Figure 3: Side view of DQT
with power connector and RCAs
Remote Power Ground