
NetCamera NVW
A02-IPCAM4-W54 49
4.2 Advanced
The camera will function fine after the Basic configuration, however, you may wish to
explore more advanced options. This section explains each parameter and setting
procedures for advanced configuration of the camera. Move your mouse onto the
Advanced button, and it will automatically pop up a submenu bar as below.
4.2.1 FTP
The FTP submenu enables you to configure all FTP (File Trans-fer Protocol) settings:
When FTP alerting is enabled, the camera sends a still image to the ftp server every
time the alert is triggered (see “Configuring Breach Manager Settings” for details on
how to acti-vate this option).
Enter your FTP server and server port address, along with your username and
Click the Save button to save all changes.
All uploade files on FTP are in .AV format.
In order to convert in JPEG please check section 4.1.5 in this