WARNING: Always remove the charger from the electric outlet when making adjustments, changing parts,
cleaning or working on the tool.
WARNING: Care should be taken to arrange the cords and cables so they will not be stepped on, tripped over, or
otherwise subjected to damage or stress.
WARNING: Never pt to plug in or operate equipment with or damaged wires, charger cord or
charger cord plug. Have any defe
or damaged parts replaced immediately by ƋƵĂůŝĮed personnel.
WARNING: Avoid body contact with electrically grounded surfaces. There is an increased risk of electric shock if
your body is grounded.
WARNING: If the work area is not equipped with a permanently installed Ground Fault Circuit Interrupter outlet
(GFCI), use a plug-in GFCI between the charging cord and the power receptacle.
ATD-5922 ^ƉĞĐŝĮĐ Warnings:
WARNING: Lead-acid ba generate hydrogen gas during normal opera on. More gas is generated when the
is charging. Hydrogen gas is:
1. Explosive
2. Poisonous to breathe
3. Highly Ňammable
WARNING: To avoid possible damage that may shorten the units working life, protect this unit from direct
sunlight, direct heat, and /or moisture.
WARNING: This system is designed to be used only on vehicles or boats with 12-volt electrical systems.
WARNING: This system is not designed to be used as a replacement for a vehicle ery.
WARNING: To avoid an explosion and/or the possibility of being splashed with acid:
ͻ Never allow the red and black clamps to touch each other or for both to touch the same metal object or any electrically
material for that ma
ͻ Only pt to jump start a vehicle or boat in a well- ated area.
ͻ Always connect the red (+) clamp to the
ve (+) ba terminal ĮƌƐƚ͘
ͻ Do not connect the black (-) clamp to the ne
(-) ery terminal.
ͻ Connect the black (-) clamp to a non-moving metal part on the engine not to the nega
ve (-) ba terminal.