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EFILive format is for compatibility with the EFILive scan tool program. Note that if you selected metric units on
the LS1M Config screen, then metric units will be saved to the log file by the synchronizer.
Clicking the other tabs across the top of the synchronizer window – Ltrims, Accel Tests, Trouble Codes – will show
the saved data from the other scan screens. Each time LTrims are collected, or an Accel test is competed, or trouble
codes are scanned, the results are saved in an internal log database in the PDA. These saved results can be saved
here in text-file format.
This screen is used to collect the LTRIM’s (Long-Term Fuel Trims). These are the amounts by which the computer
has increased or decreased the amount of fuel delivered under different conditions, in order to maintain a perfect
14.7:1 air/fuel ratio, as seen by the O2 sensors. Each set of conditions is called a “cell”. Cell 16, for instance, is
normally used when the car is idling.
To collect the LTrims, click the “Start” button or press “Page Up”. As data is collected, the different cell values in
the display will be updated. The current cell will be outlined. In the example above, for instance, the current cell
number is 15, with a positive value of 2.20 percent. The overall averages for the left and right bank are listed on the
Status line. If the vehicle is a V8 (LS1), then you can select the left or right bank to view, or an average of the two.
V6 vehicles (L67/L36) typically only have the Left values, since there’s usually only one oxygen sensor on those
engines. (Values for the left and right are collected, regardless of whether Left, Right or Avg is selected.)
Pressing the Stop button will stop data collection. Reset will zero all values on the display. Results of LTrim
collections are saved in the internal PDA database. To view the saved results, click theView Log button.
Cell Data