Advanced Setup
The following screen shows the Advanced Setup:
The following table describes the parameters found in this menu.
Parameter Description Options
Quick Boot Allows BIOS to skip certain tests while
booting. This will decrease the time
needed to boot the system
1 st Boot Device
2 nd Boot Device
The item allows you to see the sequence
of boot device where BIOS attempts to
load the disk operation system.
Hard Disk Drives
Optical Disk Drive
Specifies the boot device. Priority
sequence from available Hard Drives
Boot up Num-Lock On Select Power-on state for Numlock On,Off
Boot Sector Virus Protection This feature allows you to enable the
VIRUS warning function for Hard Disk
boot sector protection. If this function is
enabled and there is someone attempt to
write data to this area, BIOS will show a
warning message on screen and the alarm
will beep.