38 Chapter 2
Frequency/Voltage Control
The following screen shows the Frequency and Voltage Control parameters and their default settings:
The following table describes the parameters found in this menu. Settings in boldface are the default and
suggested settings.
Parameter Description Options
Auto Detect DIMM/PCI Clk This option allows you to enable/disable the
feature of auto detecting the clock frequency of
the installed PCI bus.
Spread Spectrum When the motherboard’s clock generator pulses,
the extreme values (spikes) of the pulses creates
EMI (Electromagnetic Interference). The spread
Spectrum function reduces the EMI generated by
modulating the pulses so that the spikes of the
pulses are reduced to flatter curves. If you do not
have any EMI problem, leave the setting at
Disabled for optimal system stability and
performance. But if you are plagued by EMI,
setting to Enabled for EMI reduction. Remember
to disable Spread Spectrum if you are
overlocking because even a slight jitter can
introduce a temporary boost in clockspeed which
may just cause your overlock ed processor to
lock up.
:Move Enter: Select +/-/PU/PD :Value F10: Save and Exit ESC:Exit
F1: General Help F5: Previous Values F7: Optimized Defaults
Menu Level
Phoenix - AwardBIOS CMOS Setup Utility
Frequency/Voltage Control
Auto Detect DIMM/PCI Clk [Enabled]
Item Help
Spread Spectrum [Disabled]