Operating Manual - PROTEA SYSTEM II 4.24C Crossover / System Processor
buttons 1-8 (recommended) or the data wheel (0-9) to enter a new code, then press Enter on the LCD. The LCD then
prompts the user to either change the code to a new four digit number, or change the Security status to one of the other
three options.
The only way to fully remove a security code once it has been entered is with a factory reset. This is done by
turning the power on while pressing Esc and Recall together, returning all settings, including user defined presets, to
their original factory settings. Note: In the event the four digit security code is forgotten, turn the 4.24C on while
pressing both the Esc and Util buttons.
dBu/VU Meter Select
The input and output meter scale is factory set so that a green LED flashing at 0 indicates a signal level of
0dBu, or 0.775Vrms. To change this to a VU scale, where 0VU = +4dBu (1.228Vrms), select the <Ref:> option in the
Util menu to VU.
MIDI Channel Select
To broadcast program changes to the 4.24C from a MIDI controller, it must first have a MIDI channel (1-16)
assigned in the Util menu. Standard MIDI program change messages (0-29) may be used to recall presets (1-30)
already saved within the 4.24C. Other function messages are system exclusive. A comprehensive PDF document
detailing complete MIDI implementation of Protea products is available on the Ashly Web Site.
To quickly download all 30 presets on a 4.24C to another 4.24C using MIDI, or save to a PC using RS-232 and
Protea System Software, select Dump from the Util menu, turn the data wheel to view the format choices, then select
the desired format to transmit the data. Only the presets are saved, not the security and preference items found in the
utilities menu.
4.7f Factory Reset
To clear all preset names, reset all controls to their original factory settings, and delete the password from
memory, Factory Reset may be performed by simultaneously pressing and holding Esc and Recall while switching
power on. Caution: doing this will erase all user-defined presets!
5.1 Audio Connections
All Protea audio connections use three pin XLR jacks, with pin 2 (+), pin 3 (-), and pin 1(G). Inputs and
outputs are electronically precision balanced. If an unbalanced signal is fed to an input, the signal should be on the (+)
connection (pin 2) and pin 3 must be tied to ground, or significant signal loss will result. In other words, never float
pin 2 or pin 3. It is strongly recommended that balanced signals be used whenever possible.
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