To clean the film gate
• Remove the layer of emulsion from the film gate with a
plastic rod (e.g. an ARRI film gate cleaner). Under no
circumstances use hard or metal objects.
• When cleaning, pay particular attention to the area
opposite the film guides of the movement if film stock
with a strong tendency to build up emulsion (e.g. b/w
stock) is being used.
• Check that the hole for the registration pin is empty.
Inserting the film gate
Warning: It is absolutely essential to ensure that
the connecting surfaces are free of dust and
debris (e.g. film chips) in order to guarantee the
accuracy of the film channel.
• Check that the film gate and the film gate guide rails
are completely free of dust and dirt.
• Take hold of the film gate by the film gate handle and
push it back into place.
• Check that the film gate is pushed all the way back.
Swinging the movement block forwards when
the film gate is not correctly in place can cause
damage to the camera!
• Close the movement again. The movement holds the
filmgate in place.