product description
Technical Data
Model: CLAS HE EVO 24 30 38
CE Certi cation (pin) 0085CL0440
Boiler type
Max/min nominal calori c ow rate (Pci) Qn KW 22.0/5.5 28.0/6.5 31.0/7.5
Max/min nominal calori c ow rate (Pcs) Qn KW 24.4/6.1 31.1/7.2 34.4/8.3
Domestic hot water max/min nominal calori c ow rate (Pci) Qn KW 26.0/5.5 30.0/6.5 38.0/7.5
Domestic hot water max/min nominal calori c ow rate (Pcs) Qn KW 28.9/6.1 33.3/7.2 42.2/8.3
Max/min power output (80°C-60°C) Pn KW 21.5/5.4 27.3/6.3 30.2/7.3
Max/min power output (50°C-30°C) Pn KW 23.3/5.7 29.7/6.8 33.0/7.9
Domestic hot water max/min power output Pn KW 26.0/5.5 29.3/6.3 38.0/7.5
Combustion e ciency (of ue gas) % 97.8 97.8 97.9
Nominal calori c ow rate e ciency (60/80°C) Hi/Hs % 97.5/87.8 97.6/87.8 97.6/87.9
Nominal calori c ow rate e ciency (30/50°C) Hi/Hs % 105.8/95.3 106.0/95.5 106.4/95.8
E ciency at 30% at 30°C Hi/Hs % 107.7/97.0 107.7/97.0 107.7/97.0
E ciency at 30% at 47°C Hi/Hs % 97.7/88.0 97.6/87.9 97.6/87.9
Minimum calori c ow rate e ciency (60/80°C) Hi/Hs % 97.6/87.9 97.5/87.8 97.5/87.8
E ciency rating (dir. 92/42/EEC) stars
**** **** ****
Sedbuk class class A/90 A/90 A/90.1
Loss when stopped (∆T = 50°C) %
Loss of burner gas when operating % 2.2 2.2 2.2
Available air pressure Pa 100 100 100
NoX class class 5 5 5
Flue gas temperature (G20) (80°C-60°C) °C 64 64 64
CO2 content (G20) (80°C-60°C) % 9.0 9.0 9.0
CO content (0%O2) (80°C-60°C) ppm 119 101 98
O2 content (G20) (80°C-60°C) % 4.5 4.5 4.5
Maximum ue gas ow (G20) (80°C-60°C) Kg/h 42.8 49.4 62.6
Excess air (80°C-60°C) % 27 27 27
Expansion chamber in ation pressure bar 1 1 1
Maximum heating pressure bar 2,5 2,5 2,5
Expansion chamber capacity L 6.5 6.5 6.5
Min/max heating temperature (high temperature range) °C 35 / 82 35 / 82 35 / 82
Min/max heating temperature (low temperature range) °C 20 / 45 20 / 45 20 / 45
Domestic hot water max/min temperature °C 36 / 60 36 / 60 36 / 60
Speci c ow rate of domestic hot water (∆T=30°C) l/mn 12.2 14.1 18.4
Quantity of hot water ∆T=25°C l/mn 14.5 16.8 21.3
Quantity of hot water ∆T=35°C l/mn 10.4 12.0 15.2
Hot water comfort rating (EN13203) stars *** *** ***
Hot water minimum ow rate l/mn <2 <2 <2
Domestic hot water max/min pressure bar 7 / 0.3 7 / 0.3 7 / 0.3
Power supply frequency/voltage V/Hz 230/50 230/50 230/50
Total electrical power absorbed W 110 113 116
Minimum ambient temperature for use °C +5 +5 +5
Protection level for the electrical appliance PI X5D X5D X5D
Weight kg 32 35 36