boiler protection devices
Anti-frost Device.
The anti-frost function acts on the central heating ow temperatu-
re probe, independently from other regulations, when the electri-
cal supply is turned on.
If the primary circuit temperature is
between 3°C and 8°C the pump will
run (with the diverter valve switching
between central heating and hot water
every 1 minute) until the temperature
reaches > 9°C.
If the ow temperature remains
between 3°C and 8°C the pump will
continue to run for a maximum of 20
minutes unless a temperature above >
9°C is detected in the central heating
ow, after this the the burner will re
(heating position) until a temperature
of > 30°C is detected.
If the central heating ow temperature is < 3°C, the burner will re
(heating position) at minimum power until the temperature rea-
ches > 30°C, the burner will go out.
If lockout is caused by overheat the burner will not re but the
pump will continue to run (heating position).
The anti-frost device activates only when (with the boiler opera-
ting correctly):
- the system pressure is correct;
- the boiler is electrically powered;
- there is a supply of gas.
Multi-zone Heating (Heating Zone Modules - optional)
7 01
Zone 2 outgoing sensor defective
7 02
Zone 2 return sensor defective
7 03
Zone 3 outgoing sensor defective
7 04
Zone 3 return sensor defective
7 05
Hydraulic separation sensor defective
7 06
Zone 2 overheating
7 07
Zone 3 overheating