GB - 28
Check Attachment Idler Arm Roller
1. Place the unit into the service position.
Remove the bottom cover.
2. With the attachment clutch lever
engaged, check the clearance between
the frame and plastic roller on the lower
end of the attachment idler arm
(Figure 31).
• If roller is 1/2 – 7/8 n. (12.7 –
22.2 mm) from frame, go to Adjust the
Attachment Clutch Cable Spring
Extension on page 28.
• If roller is less than 1/2 in. (12.7 mm)
from frame, loosen idler adjustment
nut and move idler closer to the belt.
Tighten adjustment nut and recheck
the roller clearance (Figure 32).
• If roller is more than 7/8 in. (22.2 mm)
from frame, loosen idler adjustment
nut and move idler away from the belt.
Tighten adjustment nut and recheck
roller clearance (Figure 32).
Adjust the Attachment Clutch Cable
Spring Extension
1. Check the attachment clutch cable
spring extension.
Measure the length of the attachment
clutch cable spring with the clutch lever
Then measure the attachment clutch
spring with the clutch lever engaged.
See Figure 33. The spring should be
1/2 – 9/16 in. (12.7 – 14.3 mm) longer
when the clutch lever is engaged.
• If spring extension is within the
specified range, go to Check
Attachment Brake on page 29.
• If spring extension is outside of
specified range, go to step 2.
Figure 30
With the attachment clutch disengaged,
check the attachment idler arm position
here. The attachment idler arm should
lightly touch the frame.
Figure 31
Roller should be 1/2 – 7/8 in. (12.7 –
22.2 mm) from the frame when the
attachment clutch is engaged.
Figure 32
1. Idler Adjustment Nut
2. Attachment Belt Idler
Figure 33
1/2 – 9/16 in.
(12.7 – 14.3 mm)