Unione Europea—informazioni per l’eliminazione
Questo simbolo significa che, in base alle leggi e alle
norme locali, il prodotto dovrebbe essere eliminato
separatamente dai rifiuti casalinghi. Quando il
prodotto diventa inutilizzabile, portarlo nel punto di
raccolta stabilito dalle autorità locali. Alcuni punti di
raccolta accettano i prodotti gratuitamente. La
raccolta separata e il riciclaggio del prodotto al
momento dell’eliminazione aiutano a conservare le
risorse naturali e assicurano che venga riciclato in
maniera tale da salvaguardare la salute umana e
Europeiska unionen—uttjänta produkter
Symbolen ovan betyder att produkten enligt lokala
lagar och bestämmelser inte får kastas tillsammans
med hushållsavfallet. När produkten har tjänat ut
måste den tas till en återvinningsstation som utsetts
av lokala myndigheter. Vissa återvinningsstationer
tar kostnadsfritt hand om uttjänta produkter. Genom
att låta den uttjänta produkten tas om hand för
återvinning hjälper du till att spara naturresurser och
skydda hälsa och miljö.
Battery Replacement and Disposal for
iPod classic
The rechargeable battery in iPod classic should be
replaced only by an Apple Authorized Service
Provider. For battery replacement services, go to:
When iPod classic reaches its end of life, contact
local authorities to learn about disposal and
recycling options, or simply drop it off at your local
Apple retail store or return it to Apple. The battery
will be removed and recycled in an environmentally
friendly manner. For more information, go to:
Apple and the Environment
At Apple, we recognize our responsibility to
minimize the environmental impacts of our
operations and products.
For more information, go to:
© 2008 Apple Inc. All rights reserved. Apple, the Apple logo, iCal, iLife,
iPhoto, iPod, iPod Socks, iTunes, Mac, Macintosh, and Mac OS are
trademarks of Apple Inc., registered in the U.S. and other countries.
Finder and Shuffle are trademarks of Apple Inc. iTunes Store is a
service mark of Apple Inc., registered in the U.S. and other countries.
Other company and product names mentioned herein may be
trademarks of their respective companies.
Mention of third-party products is for informational purposes only and
constitutes neither an endorsement nor a recommendation. Apple
assumes no responsibility with regard to the performance or use of
these products. All understandings, agreements, or warranties, if any,
take place directly between the vendors and the prospective users.
Every effort has been made to ensure that the information in this
manual is accurate. Apple is not responsible for printing or clerical
The product described in this manual incorporates copyright
protection technology that is protected by method claims of certain
U.S. patents and other intellectual property rights owned by
Macrovision Corporation and other rights owners. Use of this
copyright protection technology must be authorized by Macrovision
Corporation and is intended for home and other limited viewing uses
only unless otherwise authorized by Macrovision Corporation. Reverse
engineering or disassembly is prohibited.
Apparatus Claims of U.S. Patent Nos. 4,631,603, 4,577,216, 4,819,098 and
4,907,093 licensed for limited viewing uses only.