Amidst all of these very abundant “mount” re-
quests from SGLDRIVE, PiP will report the name
of each file as it begins copying the file.
There are alot of files on the CP/M distribution
diskette (and thus on the enhanced CP/M master),
so there will be alot of diskette changes; but
without SGLDRIVE, this little single drive file—
by—file copy would be impossible. And, without
this copy, creating a higher capacity system
master would be impossible. Don’t fear though!
Once this higher capacity system master is
created, COPY can be used to duplicate it alot
faster, and with alot fewer diskette changes.
When PIP is finished, it will return to the CP/M
“A>” prompt.
Now you can turn your Apple off, and reboot the
system (just like you did at the beginning of
this whole process) using the higher capacity
All the hard work is over. It’s time to enjoy!!
If you want to see the difference between a Disk
][’s capacity and your new Elite drive ‘s capa-
city (if you’re an Elite Two or Three user, this
will make your day), look up the:
command in your Microsoft CP/M manuals.
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