he XP95 range of detectors and manual call points is
approved by a large number of third party certification
bodies around the world. These include detector approvals
to EN54:2000 with LPCB, VdS, DIBT, BOSEC and FG and
to UL 268 and 521 with UL. For further information and
updates on approvals held by Apollo for the XP95 range,
contact the company directly or see our website,
XP95 detectors comply with the requirements of a number
of European New Approach Directives, such as the EMC
Directive 89/336/EEC and the Construction Products
Directive 89/106/EEC. Copies of EC certificates of
conformity issued by LPCB as a Notified Body under the
Construction Products Directive are available from our
website www.apollo-fire.co.uk or directly from Apollo.
In addition, copies of Declarations of Conformity issued
by Apollo for all applicable New Approach Directives are
available upon request.
All XP95 products will comply with the marking
requirements of the WEEE Directive, 2002/96/EC. For
further information on disposing of applicable electrical
and electronic waste, contact Apollo directly.
All XP95 detectors and manual call points comply with the
equirements of the following EMC standards:
Generic Emission Standard EN 61000-6-3
Emission standard for residential, commercial and light
industrial environments.
Generic Emission Standard EN 61000-6-4
Emission standard for industrial environments.
EN 50130-4 : Alarm Systems
Electromagnetic compatibility - product family standard :
Immunity requirements for components of fire, intruder and
social alarm systems
EN 6100-4-2
Electrostatic discharge
EN 6100-4-3
Radiated immunity
EN 6100-4-4
Fast transient bursts
EN 6100-4-5
Surge immunity
EN 6100-4-6
Conducted immunity
In addition, all of the XP95 detectors have been assessed to
the additional VdS EMC requirements, which are shown
below and have been demonstrated full compliance.
Additional VdS requirements:
30V/m with 80% Am sine and 100% pulse modulation
depth over the frequency ranges 415 to 467MHz and 890
to 960MHz.