
Display Message Meaning Corrective Action
Extended Run Frame Fault One of the battery enclosures has
Contact Schneider Electric Customer
Support (see the back cover).
External DC Disconnect Switch
The external DC DISCONNECT
switch tripped. Battery power is not
available or the runtime is lower
than expected.
Close the external DC
DISCONNECT switch. If the
problem continues, call Schneider
ElectricCustomer Support.
External Switch Gear
Communication Card Fault
The external switch gear
communication card has failed.
Contact Schneider Electric Customer
Support (see the back cover).
External Switch Gear
Communication Card Removed
The system no longer detects an
external switch gear communication
Option 1: Ensure the external
switch gear communication card is
installed properly.
Option 2: Contact Schneider
Electric Customer Support (see the
back cover).
Graceful Shutdown Initiated A graceful shutdown or reboot
has been initiated from the display
interface or other accessory.
No corrective action necessary.
Internal Communication Bus Fault One of the buses used for
communication between the
UPS modules has failed.
Contact Schneider Electric Customer
Support (see the back cover).
In Bypass: Hardware Fault The system has transferred into
bypass because a fault has occurred.
Contact Schneider Electric Customer
Support (see the back cover).
In Bypass: Overload The system has transferred into
bypass because the load has
exceeded the power capacity of the
Option 1: Decrease the load.
Option 2: Add a power module to
the system.
In Bypass: User-Initiated The system has been transferred into
bypass due to user action.
Check for any problems with the
Transfer the system to normal
Input Voltage or Frequency Cannot
Support Bypass
The frequency or voltage is out
of acceptable range for bypass.
This message occurs when the
UPS is online, and indicates that
bypass mode may not be available
if required.
Correct the input voltage to provide
acceptable voltage or frequency.
Intelligence Module Fault The main intelligence module has
failed and requires replacement.
Contact Schneider Electric Customer
Support (see the back cover).
Load (kVA) Alarm Violation The load has exceeded the user
specied load alarm threshold.
Option 1: Use the display interface
to raise the alarm threshold.
Option 2: Reduce the load.
Local Management-To-UPS
Communication Lost
Internal communications in the
system have failed.
Contact Schneider Electric Customer
Support (see the back cover).
Low Battery
The UPS is in battery operation and
the battery charge is low.
Runtime is limited. Shut down the
system and the load equipment or
restore the input voltage.
No Batteries Detected No battery power is available. Option 1: Ensure the batteries are
installed properly.
Option 2: Check to see whether the
DC Breaker has been tripped.
Option 3: Contact Schneider
Electric Customer Support (see the
back cover).
Symmetra™ PX48, 96, and 160 kW 400 V 100 kW 208 V Operation