eZ Speak FoldIng lecTern WITh carryIng caSe - S805A 50-watt multimedia stereo amplifier, 6-in. x 8-in. oval,
Jensen designed speaker; S2030A professional cardioid dynamic handheld mic; rugged reinforced nylon carrying case
with wheels and luggage handle (S1960). 24-in.W x 14-in.H x 5-in.D closed. No Assembly Needed. Specify Medium Oak
or Walnut.
WIreleSS eZ Speak FoldIng lecTern - As above with SW805A amplifier with built-in wireless receiver PLUS your
Choice of Wireless Mic with Transmitter - Choose either Lapel, Headset or Handheld
non-SoUnd eZ Speak FoldIng lecTern - The EZ Speak Folding Lectern folds to a compact 5-in. x 17-in. x 22-in.
with an easy grip handle. Use with S260 Media Cart Base. Specify Medium Oak or Walnut.
Model # Shp. Wt MSRP
S272 36 lbs. 967.00
SW272 36 lbs. 1,369.00
W272 34 Ibs. 261.00
W272 - Non Sound
Folding Lectern
Easy to carry!
FroM ThIS... ...To ThIS!
Folding Tabletop Lectern
The Ultimate in Portability and Functionality
Quick Look:
Wired or Wireless
Audience Size: 1,000
Room Size: 10,000 sq. ft.
SPL 101 dB
UL & CE Listing
Made in USA
6 Year Warranty
Jensen Speakers
Cardioid Dynamic Wired Mic
High Pressure Laminate
Scratch Resistant
Medium Oak
or Walnut.
Limited 6 Year Warranty Made in the U.S.A.
3995 Commercial Ave., Northbrook, IL 60062
PHONE: (800) 267-5486
FAX: (800) 267-5489
EZ Speak Folding
lectern fits on S260
Media cart base for
a complete lectern!
Folds Up for Easy Portability
and Storage with Included
Rolling Case!
Powered by 10 D-cell
alkaline batteries for up
to 200 hours talk time;
S1460 International AC
Adapter/ Recharger; S1465
Rechargeable NiCad
Battery Pack for up to 20
hours before recharging
(requires S1460). All sold