Report name: System Evaporator
Description Resolution Units Dependencies
1. Evap Entering Water Temp + or – XXX.X Temperature
2. Evap Leaving Water Temp + or – XXX.X Temperature
3. Evap Water Flow Switch Status (Flow, No Flow)
4. Evap Differential Wtr Press XXX.X Diff Pressure If option installed
5. Approx Evap Water Flow XXXX Flow If option installed
6. Approx Chiller Capacity XXXX Tons If option installed
Report name: Circuit Evaporator
Description Resolution Units Dependencies
1. Evap Sat Rfgt Temp + or – XXX.X Temperature
2. Evap Rfgt Pressure XXX.X Pressure
3. Evap Approach Temp + or – XXX.X Temperature
Report name: System Condenser
Description Resolution Units Dependencies
1. Cond Entering Water Temp + or – XXX.X Temperature
2. Cond Leaving Water Temp + or – XXX.X Temperature
3. Cond Water Flow Switch Status (Flow, No Flow)
4. Cond Differential Wtr Press XXX.X Diff Pressure If option installed
5. Approx Cond Water Flow XXXX Flow If option installed
6. Outdoor Air Temperature + or – XXX.X Temperature If option installed
Report name: Circuit Condenser
Description Resolution Units Dependencies
1. Cond Sat Rfgt Temp + or – XXX.X Temperature
2. Cond Rfgt Pressure XXX.X Pressure
3. Cond Approach Temp + or – XXX.X Temperature
Note: Approach temperatures shown are the mathematical difference between the chiller leaving water temperature and
the corresponding saturated refrigerant temperature of same circuit. When one compressor is operational the approach
value will be similar to those values found on single compressor models. However when both compressors are
operating, the upstream compressor circuits approach will be the mathematical difference of the upstream chillers
refrigerant temperature and the leaving water temperature after the down stream chillers circuit. Therefore the approach
of the upstream circuit
will be a negative number in many instances, when both compressors are operating.