Chapter 8 · 113KINDLE DX USER’S GUIDE 2
Each Kindle has its own unique e-mail address. When you e-mail personal documents
to your Kindle, they are automatically converted to a Kindle-friendly format. To set up
your Kindle e-mail address, follow the steps below:
1. On your computer, open your Web browser and go to:
2. Sign-in to your Amazon.com account.
3. In the Your Kindle(s) section, select “Edit Info.”
4. In the Kindle E-mail Address text field, change the first part of the e-mail address
to what you would like it to be. The @kindle.com will automatically be appended.
5. Select “Update information” to save your changes and close the text entry box.
Your Kindle will only receive converted files from e-mail addresses you have
authorized on the Manage Your Kindle page to help prevent spam. The default setting
dictates that only items sent from your Amazon.com account e-mail address will be
forwarded. You can add e-mail addresses to the list by visiting:
In Manage Your Kindle, add the addresses of your friends, co-workers, or anyone else
you would like to enable to send you files:
1. In the Your Kindle approved e-mail list section from
http://www.amazon.com/manageyourkindle, enter the e-mail address in
the blank box.
2. Select “Add Address.”
Once you have set up the e-mail addresses, you can send and convert your personal
documents by following the steps below:
1. Attach your document to a new e-mail or forward an existing e-mail that has
a document attached. A subject is not necessary.
2. Address the e-mail to your Kindle e-mail address for wireless delivery directly
to your Kindle; a fee will be charged.
3. Send the e-mail.