
Routing Mode
1. Navigation mode Normal driving Set as default view.
2. Planner Mode display, planned routes, but does not show your progress,
as you travel.
Route generation
1. Quickest route Destinator calculates the route by picking the shortest
distance and highest speed limits.
2. Shortest route Destinator calculates the route by picking the shortest
U Turn Usage
1. U Turn enabled - If you select this option, the route will be calculated by
including any U Turns that are needed. If you clear this option, the route will
be calculated without any U Turns. (This feature is included because some
drivers prefer not to make U Turns.)
Note: Route generation excludes any detours, stops or delays along the
If you see this icon Origin - you know that you are in Planner mode.
If you see this icon Origin - you know that you are in Navigation mode.
5.5 Alert Settings
Contains warning and alerts, which if selected, can enhance your Destinator