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The CLICK button is used to set the rhythmic value that the metronome will have. Holding the CLICK
button results in the following display:
The 10 click value choices are 1/2, 1/4, 1/6, 1/8, 1/12, 1/16, 1/24, 1/32, 1/48, 1/64. The +/- buttons or
the keypad can be used to scroll through the choices. The keypad buttons 0-9 can also be used to select
the click value directly, with 0=1/2 and 9=1/64. Additional click pages can be accessed with the page up
and page down buttons. Pressing the page up button once moves the cursor to the RECORD CLICK
function, as follows:
This function determines whether or not the metronome will click while in record mode. The default
setting is ON, but it can be changed with the +/- buttons. The next page has two more click parameters
which are accessed with the page up and page down buttons. They display as follows:
The top function determines whether or not the metronome will click while in PLAY mode. The +/-
buttons can be used to change the function on or off, respectively. The default setting is PLAY CLICK
OFF. The last function determines the number of clicks that will be counted down when entering record.
It can be set from 0 (OFF) to 99. The default is 4.