User's Guide HDSP MADI © RME
Quick Boot
All the card's settings described below are stored in a hardware memory, and are loaded im-
mediately after a power-on of the computer. In clock mode Master even the last used sample
rate is set. Directly after switching on the computer, a stable and predictable clock state is found
at the HDSP MADI's outputs. This advanced technology completely eliminates disturbing noises
and clock network problems during power-up or re-boot.
Safe Mode
Frequency verifies the current digital input signal against the settings in the record program.
When de-activated a recording will always be allowed, even with non-valid input signals. Fre-
quency is valid for MME only.
SyncAlign guarantees synchronous channels when using MME multitrack software. This option
should only be switched off in case the used software does not work correctly with SyncAlign
Input activates redundancy operation. If the current input signal fails, the other input will be used
immediately, provided a valid signal is found there. Input also works as automatic input selec-
tion, in case only optical or coaxial is present as input signal.
TMS activates the transmission of Channel Status data and Track Marker information from the
MADI input signal.
Buffer Size
The setting Buffer Size determines the latency between incoming and outgoing ASIO and GSIF
data, as well as affecting system stability (see chapter 13/14). Under Windows MME this setting
determines the DMA buffer size (see chapter 12.3).
SyncCheck indicates whether there
is a valid signal (Lock) for the inputs
Word Clock and MADI, or if there is
a valid and synchronous signal
(Sync). The AutoSync Reference
display shows the input and fre-
quency of the current sync source.
Defines the input for the MADI sig-
nal. 'Optical' relates to the optical
input, 'Coaxial' to the BNC socket.
Defines the format of the MADI out-
put signal. MADI can be a 56 or 64
channel signal.
96 kHz
Sample rates higher than 48 kHz
can be transmitted using the normal
48K Frame, or using a native 96K
Frame at the card's output.