3 Basics of Equalization
To further illustrate the differences, here is a pair of examples in
which three adjacent bands have settings of + 3 dB, -3 dB, and + 3
dB, respectively:
Remember that at lower gain settings, there is an even wider Q for
a given frequency band on a variable Q equalizer. The center
frequency band needs to be edited even more drastically in order
for any noticeable reduction of frequencies in its range.
The corresponding illustration for the constant Q equalizer speaks
for itself:
We offer this information regarding the differences between
constant Q and variable Q equalizers not as an attempt to
persuade the world to reject variable Q equalizers out of hand; in
some applications either would do the job nicely. But when a
greater degree of control over the program material is needed, a
constant Q equalizer like the DEQ230 offers a significant