2 Connections
There are three ways to connect the DEQ230D with another
digital audio device:
Analog Signal In, Digital Signal Out
A potential use for this setup would be if you are running your
recorded tracks into a mixer that only has an analog output, but
your mixdown deck has S/PDIF inputs. Use the DEQ230D to put
that finishing touch on the mix, and then use it as a digital audio
interface into the mixdown deck. In doing this you ensure the
cleanest possible connection between the DEQ230D and the
mixdown deck.
To use the DEQ230D in this way, connect the S/PDIF Output of
the DEQ230D to the S/PDIF Input of the receiving device.
Digital Signal In, Analog Signal Out
This would be the method to use, for example, if you have a mixer
with a digital output for its main mix and an amplification system
that only has analog inputs. With this setup you would be able to
pass the audio to the DEQ230D in the digital domain, shape the
signal using its 28-bit internal processing, and then send the result
to the amplification system.
Of course, you could substitute a CD player or DAT deck for the
mixer in the above example, and/or substitute a mixdown deck or
a couple of channels on a mixer for the amplification system.
In this case, connect the S/PDIF Output of the transmitting
device to the S/PDIF Input of the DEQ230D.
Digital Signal In, Digital Signal Out
In cases where every device in your audio chain has a digital audio
input and output, the DEQ230D is right at home. Simply pass the
audio from the transmitting device’s S/PDIF Output into the
DEQ230D’s S/PDIF Input, use it to sculpt the signal, and then
pass the audio on to the next device by connecting the
DEQ230D’s S/PDIF Output to the S/PDIF Input of the
receiving device.
Operating the DEQ230D in any of the three configurations
described above is really no different from using it in a completely
analog system. For that reason, from this point on in the manual
we will make no distinction between operating the DEQ230D in
the digital or analog domains.