Time Code Tutorial, Chapter 17
6 Set the SMPTE Rate and type (24, 25, 29.97, or 30 fps, drop or non-drop).
7 Press the REFERENCE COUNTER button until TAPE TC is shown in the right
numeric display. This isn’t a required step, but it’s good practice.
8 Press PLAY and RECORD.
At this point, the M20 is recording time code of the specified type and number onto the TC
track, at the specified sample rate and speed.
Time code cannot be recorded on the LEAD and DATA sections of the tape. If the
tape is before ABS time 00h 00m 00s, no time code will be recorded, even though
the INT GEN will count properly through those sections.
SMPTE T/C coming from an analog deck or VCR is not recommended as a reference
clock for the M20, because it typically has too much wow and flutter to be
multiplied into a stable 48 kHz sample clock. Use INT, VIDEO, or WORD clock
as a clock source whenever it’s available, using the SMPTE signal as a clock source
only if it’s extremely stable (from an external hardware generator or digital